Readers' Letters - Topless Paladin Run
The most commented-on article in Issue 1 was Aylania's Five Things To Know About Dating A Paladin.
Comments from our readers included the following...
But the Paladins from Aylania's raid group struck back, an struck back in style! We received this letter at the Gizmo offices...
Hi Aylania
Please find enclosed photos of my protest against your article: '5 tips on dating a Paladin', mainly the part that we Paladins are in love with our armour and don't go anywhere without it on.
This protest took the form of a raid into the firey depths of the Molten Core, wearing only Judgement legwear, boots and bracers; in other words, almost completely topless! Although I am now in the midst of recovering from some nasty red marks on my body, the experience was well worth it, as these photographs should show.
Hope you enjoy. And good luck with your future issues of Gizmopolitan.

At first, some of the pallies wanted to follow in my protest by going topless too."(Ivresse stands third from the left.)

A boss encounter...with me showing a Paladin's duty for helping others.
 At the end though, my fellow Paladins started suffering from withdrawal symptoms and stuck their armour back on, the cowards...

Fighting Raggy, bare-chested...I seem to remember standing in a puddle of sweatwhen it was all over...and the burn marks from swimming into lava I was flung intowasn't a pleasant sight, I can tell you... Note how red I am...

The burning dangers of fighting without protection in an area as hot as Molten Core.

But in the end, it was all over, and I stood in front of all that was left of Ragnaros. Victory!
Well I am keeping the originals of these photos for the Gizmo files, currently stuck to the fridge in pride of place where we can all admire the er, photography. Gizmo is hereby proud to award Ivresse the award of Gizmopolitan Paladin of the Year! for being well-hard, good for a laugh, and very welcome to come an strip off an work up a sweat bashing the dents out of his armour in the Gizmo offices any time he likes! (Ed.)